Your Child’s Development

The Feeding and Care of your Child for a Healthy Life Span.
Weekly parenting tips: You get to choose Love or Fear
Questions for you the Parent:
Do you want your child to have a Healthy Life Span? Of course, you do.
We will be talking about choosing Love or Fear for a Healthy Life Span
There are only 2 feelings or emotions: LOVE and FEAR

Live your life in LOVE – because fear brings about negativity and this brings about only settling for life not what opportunities living life in LOVE can bring, opportunities, and all that is possible in Life.

The emotion of LOVE has in Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research found that it influences water crystals to form beautiful designs. Just imagine what the emotion of LOVE does to a child, not only for trust and heart but at the cellular level.

Living in fear brings about depression, anxiety, oxidative stress that can cause all kinds of diseases. Living in fear closes doors for opportunities.

Living in love brings about wellness, a healthy life span, happiness, spiritual peace and harmony, and always a smile for people you pass by in life. Smile at that person walking by you –you do not have to speak but just smile at them. Notice how they had a blank look on their face and saw you smiling and were grateful that you acknowledged them at this very moment. We do not know, nor do we need to know their problems or relationships but people need to be acknowledged.

Your child’s life will function much better if they live in LOVE-it is soothing and brings joy, peace, and harmony to their life. Be positive and at peace through LOVING common sense parenting.

Read: Love is Letting Go of Fear by Gerald Jampolsky, MD – I read this book in the 1980s and it had a tremendous impact on the way I parented. I had gone through a traumatic divorce and became all at once a single mother without any professional skills.

Forgiving everyone plus myself and loving myself was wonderful therapeutic to my physic

Visualize yourself being really relaxed – LOVE will bring your body in a wonderful feeling and with harmony. FEAR will bring your body into an intense stressful posture which affects your cells and oxidative stress. The less stress that your body holds the better your health becomes. With LOVE in your body controlling your emotions life becomes much better in your work, relationships, and health.

Free your mind from FEAR – be “Free to be yourself” with LOVE

Be a good role model for the emotion of LOVE for your children. NOT FEAR.

FEAR can make a person a prisoner in their mind. LOVE allows freedom to be the main focus of a whole person’s life.

Go on a mission for 1 week:
Show LOVE for 1 week:
Getting up in the morning – get up with LOVE
Driving to work – put a smile on your face and take a deep breath and think LOVE
Getting dinner – be LOVE and have only fresh food for dinner
LOVE may become an addiction instead of living in FEAR
Common sense soon becomes very natural for parenting